Archived datasets associated with publications and grants:

  • Bruijn R.H.C., Skemer P. (2014) Grain-size sensitive rheology of orthopyroxene. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060607 – Data set associated to the publication
  • Supplementary file associated with Kelsey Prissel Dissertation “Experimental Constraints on Igneous Iron Isotopic Fractionation and Diffusion”: Chapter 2: “Fe-Mg and Fe-Mn inter diffusion in ilmenite with implications for geospeedometry using oxides.”
  • Supplementary files associated with Andrea Goltz Dissertation”Petrology, Geochemistry, and Experimental Studies of Mafic Enclaves and Amphibole at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka”:
    Chapter 2 “Evidence for superhydrous primitive arc magmas from mafic enclaves at Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka” – Supplement
    Chapter 3 “Experimental calibration of an Fe3+/Fe2+-in-amphibole oxybarometer and its application to shallow magmatic processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka” – AnalysisAnalysis highly oxidized amphiboles